Yo nunca había alguno de estos deportes, pero siempre había tenido la espinita por intentarlo. Después de una hora y pico de viaje llegamos al sitio alrededor de las 5 y pico de la tarde, nevo fuertemente por unos cuantos minutos, pero no importaba si al fin de cuentas de eso se trataba.
El sitio estaba repleto de gente, es una atracción bastante popular en está epoca del año.
Una vez en Shawnee Mountain, pase a la alquilada de las botas y del snowboard. Una vez con las botas puestas, me despido de la gente y humildemente me voy a mi lección # 1 “Snowboarding for dummies”.

- Identifique cual es su pie de reacción ya que ese va a ser el pie en control de la tabla.
- Aprenda como enganchar su pie de reacción en la tabla.
- Dese cuenta que el coeficiente de fricción estatica es zero y que a la menor fuerza ejercida la tabla le demostrara cualquiera de las leyes de Newton.
- Su pie de reacción ahora mide 1.50 m y no lo pued apoyar, porque al menor esfuerzo se desliza y corre el riesgo de abrirse de patas.
- Ahora aprenda como caminar, mueva el pie que tiene libre y arrastre la tabla, mueva el pie que tiene libre y arrastre la tabla, mueva el pie que tiene libre y arrastre la tabla, mueva el pie que tiene libre y arrastre la tabla.
- Su pie está hacienda un moviemiento y un ejercicio al cual no está acostumbrado por lo cual le empieza a doler de lo más sabroso.
- Parese derecho ponga el otro pie sobre la tabla y deslicese . . . . . . eeeehhhhhhh !!!
- Vuelva otra vez al punto de inicio mueva el pie que tiene libre y arrastre la tabla . . . . . .
- Descanse el pie que ahora le duele mas, pero cuidado, no lo levante porque si lo hace queda a merced de la tabla . . . a propósito mencione que el coeficiente de fricción estatica es zero??????
- Deslicese nuevamente . . . . . . eeeehhhhhhh !!!
- Vuelva otra vez al punto de inicio mueva el pie que tiene libre y arrastre la tabla . . . . . .
- Esta vez aprenda a darle dirección a la tabla con los dedos de los pies . . . . . . eeeehhhhhhh !!!
- Arregleselas para parar . . . . . CATAPLUN . . . . OUCH !!!
- Repita los 3 pasos anteriores.
- Ahora aprenda como darle direccion con los talones . . . . . . eeeehhhhhhh !!!
- Repita nuevamente.
- Montese con la tabla . . . . la tabla debe estar enganchada en su pie.
- Preparese psicologicamente para bajarse cuando llegue a la cima.
- Listo ???? 1 . . . 2 . . . 3 . . . . CATAPLUN . . . . PLUN . . . . PLUN . . . . PLUN . . . .OUCH !!!
- Agarre la mano y dese cuenta que puede moverla y que aunque duele como un putas sabe que no esta rota.
- Dese cuenta que el elevador esta detenido porque usted esta en tumbado en la mitad de la bajada.
- Montese en la tabla y deslicese . . . intente parar . . . intente parar . . . intente parar CATAPLUN . . . . OUCH !!! . . . . la mano otra vez !!!
- Esta vez enganche ambos pies a la tabla.
- Ahora aprenda a bajar frenando con el borde de la tabla mirando hacia abajo o dandole la espalda a la pendiente.
- Agarrese de las manos de su instructor y dese cuenta que al menor descuido usted se va a ir de jeta colina abajo.
- Su instructor le dice muy bien, asi se hace, siga, siga, siga, mientras usted esta cagadisimo del susto y aun pensando que donde este man lo suelte usted va colina abajo y muy seguramente llegara a la autopista I-80.
- Siga intentando, trate de perder el miedo . . .
- Cada vez que lo intenta la sensación de irse colina abajo montado en una tabla y zero fricción lo embarga y no puede despegar las manos del suelo.
- Como pueda llegue abajo y como pueda desenganchese de la tabla.
- Levantese y dele gracias a Dios que esta completico, decida que ha sido suficiente por hoy y devuelva la tabla y las botas, vaya comprese algo de comer y de beber.
- Sóbese porque no hay pómada !!!!
Bastante gente me ha dicho que se requieren bastantes horas de practica para aprender snowboarding, la verdad no se si me queden ganas suficientes de volverlo a intentar.
Por el momento aplicaré el viejo y conocido refran: quietico se ve más bonito !!!!
46 comentarios:
Sólo tengo 3 cosas que decir:
1. Been there, done that... se me torció una pata y se me cuasi fracturó una muñeca. Y eso que yo no pasé de la pista de niños (pendiente 0)
2. Pobrecito mi pedazo de Mono... de casualidad tienes un video, fotos, o cualquier recuerdito que pueda hacer del post algo más chis--- burlab--- entretenido de lo que actualmente es??
Lo digo UNICAMENTE por razones audiovisuales.
3. Si te has dado cuenta que este post, el de Alexillo del Servicio Militar y el mío de la alfombra están escritos de la misma manera?? aaaahhhh????
Aaaah, es que que dijo? papitas para el loro?
AUCH!!! me duele solo de leerlo, al menos no se quemó la naríz contra la nieve ni se golpeo con la tabla esa
En defensa del snowboarding debo decir que si, todos nos damos muuuuy duro la 1a vez, en ese deporte no hay naturales, pero una vez lo coges es muy divertido, cuando menos lo piensas ya te has comprado todos los juguetes y hasta el season pass. Eso si, no te garantizo que aprendas a bajarte del chair lift en mucho tiempo.
(Notese que escribo con dolor de brazos habiendomelas dado de dare devil y bajado (rodado) por una montaña llena de moguls)
Por eso yo prefieron esquiar .. mejor controlar esa vaina con ambas patas y no solamente con una tabla amarrada a usted..
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It's been quite a long time, since the New York based escort girls have been in the scene and they have been catering A1 escort services to clients of all types.
Also, Escort girls New York are now available for incall and outcall services for almost all the New York locations.
All you have to do is to open the website of an escort agency, browse through the various escort categories and make your choice after going through the listed profiles.
The services provided by Bijou escorts are top notch. New York escort service are also offered to various clients.Bijou available are top class escorts, and you will soon forget about normal things in life and enter the world of love and fantasy. You must remember that using personal escort service is not like using normal intimate service and these are not just simple girls that you are dealing with. These are highly trained and qualified escort personnel's that are there to rejuvenate you dull and boring life. You will be surprised to find out that some of these girls are very well educated.
[url=http://bijouescorts.com]New Jersey Escort[/url] The growing popularity of a New York escort agency has been the outcome of a number of factors. First, a New York based escort agency believes in offering only the most exciting range of escort fun. Secondly, the rates that such an escort agency charges always comes under one's budget. Thirdly, instant access of girls in and around New York has been another major contributing factor in its success.
It's the quality of service offered by the New York escorts that have made New York one of the major escort hubs in the entire globe. All girls are very much educated and they know how to keep themselves clean and hygienic. If you have never used Hugo Boss once in your life yet, don't be surprised to smell it on their skins. They are really very much beauty and style conscious. That's the reason they have been able to mark such a big impression in the psyche of each and every escort fun lovers.
http://bijouescorts.com Not to mention about the prime New York locations where these girls have their major service bases. Whether you want to visit any one of them in her luxury apartment or you want her to come to your place, you can enjoy whatever suits you the best. Also, you can take an escort girl to a hotel or to a resort where you can spend some quality time with her for a lifelong experience. All girls are expert at customer satisfaction and they can ignite any session with passion fire occupying every part of their sexy, curvaceous and sultry figures.
It's because of the huge variety and affordability of girls, the escort girls New York agencies have been able to enjoy the biggest portion of the popularity pie for consecutive years now.
What makes the girls even more popular is their utmost client hospitality. Under any circumstances, they never fail to offer you the most decent services, no matter your place of residence in the city.
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All categories house profiles of escort girls with their real life images.
Whether you are traveling for business purpose or for pleasure, fun is the key for spicing up things and making life interesting.
New York escorts have changed the entire face of the US escort industry.
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Finding a New York escort girl is a completely easy task. All you need to make an online search about the type of girl you want. Also, you can make a generic search engine research for New York escort girls and come up with the links of the escort service providers in the region. Then by browsing each and every website, you can find the various categories of girls listed.
When people think of personal escort service, the image that comes to the mind is of a very beautiful and exciting lady that is fully capable of realizing all our fantasies. This picture is only partially correct. Escorts are not only ladies with an attractive body but also with a beautiful mind. To achieve highest level of relaxation, both the body and the mind need to be entertained.
There are thousands of personal escort service providers in the market today. Everyone claims to be the best. But the fact is that there are only handfuls of top class escort service providers in the market. Be careful before choosing an independent escort. Integrity is a very important factor. Both the escort service provider and escort should have strong professional integrity.
All girls working for an escort agency here offer you 24 x 7 services at the place of your choice.
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Finding a New York escort girl is a completely easy task. All you need to make an online search about the type of girl you want. Also, you can make a generic search engine research for New York escort girls and come up with the links of the escort service providers in the region. Then by browsing each and every website, you can find the various categories of girls listed.
Kisses and touches are not the only pleasures provided by these escorts. Top class escorts are trained to make you happy, both physically and mentally. They are trained in things like massage to make sure that they can help you in attaining complete relaxation. In the company of New York independent escorts, you will feel like you are with a close friend or even a lover, thanks to the professional attitude and the thorough training provided to the girls by these escort services.
There are thousands of personal escort service providers in the market today. Everyone claims to be the best. But the fact is that there are only handfuls of top class escort service providers in the market. Be careful before choosing an independent escort. Integrity is a very important factor. Both the escort service provider and escort should have strong professional integrity.
New York girls escort agencies pick their girls very carefully from all the hottest destinations in the world. That's the reason, they have got something special to offer to each and every client.
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In the last few years itself, we have seen a terrific growth of these escort agencies with more and more wild girls coming to serve you with whatever you want.
Choosing the best personal escort service is not an easy task. Check the previous record of the service provider, there should not be any criminal case registered against the provider. Doing research on the internet and then personally visiting the place is the best way to get all the desired information. Reading client reviews is very important because it gives information about the escort service from the point of view of clients. Going through New York escort directory can also help in making a right decision.
There are thousands of personal escort service providers in the market today. Everyone claims to be the best. But the fact is that there are only handfuls of top class escort service providers in the market. Be careful before choosing an independent escort. Integrity is a very important factor. Both the escort service provider and escort should have strong professional integrity.
Under any circumstances, they never fail to offer you the most decent services, no matter your place of residence in the city.
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Whether you are traveling for business purpose or for pleasure, fun is the key for spicing up things and making life interesting. Now, traveling for business reasons is quite different from traveling for having a good time. Business travelers have to attend meetings and do all the regular office stuff without being in an actual office. On the other hand a leisure traveler can spend the whole day sitting on a beach or in his hotel's balcony. But one thing is common in both of them and that is both require a good company.
Choosing the best personal escort service is not an easy task. Check the previous record of the service provider, there should not be any criminal case registered against the provider. Doing research on the internet and then personally visiting the place is the best way to get all the desired information. Reading client reviews is very important because it gives information about the escort service from the point of view of clients. Going through New York escort directory can also help in making a right decision.
You can use New York Escort service and enjoy high quality services provided by them. New York escorts are known for their beauty and intelligence. Girls of all ages are available, from 18 to 30 plus years. If you like blondes than you will get a blonde girl or a woman.
It's true that other metropolis like New York, Tokyo, Bangkok, Las Vegas, Munich etc. have very decent escort service, but when you have a comparative analysis of all of them with the New York girls, then New York always returns more value to your commitment.
The advent of the web has played a very influential role in making the escort business so popular among the fun lovers. The same is the case with the New York escort scene. All New York escort agencies now operate online for girls' bookings as well as payments. Isn't it just too great for you?
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All categories house profiles of escort girls with their real life images.
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The Euro Cup, also known as the UEFA Cup or the CE3, is the second most prestigious of the football competition hosted by the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA). [url=http://www.taobet.com]football betting[/url] The first international football competitions in Europe were hosted by Austro-Hungarian Empire in the late 1890’s. This early competition, called the Challenge Cup, was designed to give clubs who would, in normal league competitions, never play one another an opportunity to compete on a level playing field. After the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire the competition was reorganized as the Mitropa Cup. This was during the early days of professional European football clubs, and the pan-European Mitropa Cup was meant to provide a forum which would give these newly founded clubs much needed exposure and financial support.
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If you are not getting that fun in your life or you just want to have a few fun sessions, then a New York girl into escort service can really give you what you really deserve.
Be it at morning 9 a.m. or midnight 23 a.m., escorts 24 x 7 services let you get the hottest stuff on earth the moment you want, they way you want!
Payment for your girl can be done online instantly. So, you should not have any sort of issue regarding anything.
Most people always associate intimacy and fantasy with escorts. Yes, these are very important part of the escort services. But with time these services have evolved and now they try to fulfill all the desires of the clients, whether it is physical desires or psychological desires like companionship and friendship. If you want, you can have a complete date like experience with an escort.
[url=http://bijouescorts.com]Long Island Escort[/url] The growing popularity of a New York escort agency has been the outcome of a number of factors. First, a New York based escort agency believes in offering only the most exciting range of escort fun. Secondly, the rates that such an escort agency charges always comes under one's budget. Thirdly, instant access of girls in and around New York has been another major contributing factor in its success.
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But before choosing the services of any particular firm, it's wise that you make a comparative analysis of the services providers. It's beneficial because New York itself has so many escort agencies which offer the same services at different rates.
http://bijouescorts.com The glamorous and the sexiest young escorts from New York are available in several varieties as desired by the clients. They have their own impressive style that explains a statement about their personality and high-end professionalism. You can take these girls as the most stimulating companion on any tour or social events and functions. The erotic ladies with beauty and glamour can offer a wide range of services especially for the clientele. Clients can enjoy peep shows, erotic dancing, twosome and threesome physical entertainment services, cam to cam erotica, live chat, massage services, etc.
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