For English press 1 - Para español presione 2

martes, septiembre 11, 2007

Pista # 2

Sigo con el BAS [Blogger Amigo Secreto]

Pista de Hoy

La persona dueñ@ de este blog, parece ser una persona muy bacana, su blog habla de todo y cuando digo todo es todo !!!

Aunque es una persona joven, tiene por ahi guardada una que otra chochadita de viejit@ chuchumec@ je je je je je [no offense].

Frase del día: "Good morning. In less than an hour, aircraft from here will join others from around the world. And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind. "Mankind." That word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests. Perhaps it's fate that today is the Fourth of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom... Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution... but from annihilation. We are fighting for our right to live. To exist. And should we win the day, the Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day the world declared in one voice: "We will not go quietly into the night!" We're going to live on! We're going to survive! Today we celebrate our Independence Day!"

Pista de ayer [ la repito por si no la vio ]

Creo que si le mandara unos dolaritos a este blogger . . . creo que me los recibiria de mala gana !!!

Frase del díá: . . But the hearts of men are easily corrupted ... and the ring of power has a will of his own.

3 comentarios:

_nandor dijo...

Excelente lo del blogger amigo secreto, pero creo que si sigues con las pistas ya no será tan secreto ;)

Iki dijo...

Nueva pista para mi amigo secreto

Maya dijo...

Jajajajaj creo saber quien es ya, esta pista estuvo muy buena XD